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The Financial Career Field involves: receiving, disbursing, and accounting for public funds; appropriation and expense, cost, working capital, and real property accounting, including reporting and analyzing costs of programs and operations; formulating, executing, and analyzing financial programs; and examining and verifying all Air Force financial and management operations.

Collecting, processing, recording, controlling, analyzing, and interpreting special and recurring reports, statistical data, and other information pertaining to personnel, training, supply, aircraft, costs, operations, equipment, facilities, maintenance, organization, programs, progress, and related subjects under conditions ranging from normal operations to actual conflict. It also covers conducting comparative analysis and preparing analytical summaries for use in managing command resources, including personnel, materiel, time, and money.

Excluded from this career field are the functions involved in maintaining supply records and accounting for requesting, receiving, and issuing Air Force equipment and supplies.

1. Specialty Summary. Provides financial services and resources to support the Air Force's war-fighting mission. Performs, supervises, manages and directs financial management activities both at home station and deployed locations. Provides customer service. Maintains financial records for pay and travel transactions. Maintains accounting records and prepares reports. Determines fund availability and propriety of claims. Accounts for cash, checks, and other negotiable instruments. Processes commitments and obligations, payments, and collections. Serves as financial advisor to commanders and resource managers. Compiles, analyzes, and summarizes data. Prepares and executes financial plans. Performs audits and implements fraud prevention measures. Related DOD Occupational Subgroup: 154100.

2. Duties and Responsibilities:

2.1. Provides customer service for military and civilian personnel. Interacts and coordinates with organizations on financial matters. Interprets and supplements financial directives. Prepares, verifies, computes and processes, and audits pay transactions for military and civilian personnel. Processes, verifies, audits travel claims, estimates travel costs, determines fund availability, and performs follow-up on outstanding travel orders for travelers.

2.2. Processes financial transactions. Performs follow-up on commitments, outstanding obligations and certified vouchers. Prepares accountability records and reports.

2.3. Determines propriety of funding and certifies fund availability. Records, reconciles, and verifies entries into automated systems based on accounting documents. Certifies and processes payment and collection vouchers. Maintains appropriated funds, accounting records, and files. Schedules, prepares, verifies, and submits financial accounting reports.

2.4. Provides customer service and accounting liaison for various installation-level organizations, vendors, and the Defense Finance and Accounting Service. Reconciles funding authorities with accounting records.

2.5. Schedules, prepares, verifies, and submits financial accounting reports.

2.6. Analyzes accounting reports and financial data to identify trends for evaluating effectiveness and efficiency of Air Force activities. Develops and compiles factors for improved planning, programming and budgeting. Prepares budgets and financial plans, and execution reports. Analyzes financial execution. Identifies and explains variances. Provides budget call instructions to organizations. Prepares narrative justification to support financial requirements.

2.7. Reviews financial data for accuracy and resolves discrepancies. Receives, reconciles, and distributes funding authorities. Examines funding and reprogramming actions to determine financial implications. Reviews reimbursement program status.

2.8. Performs audits and reviews as required by directives. Administers the Air Force Management Control Program.

3. Specialty Qualifications:

3.1. Knowledge. Knowledge of: fiscal law, accounting and payment principles/procedures, contingency operations, financial management systems and basic computer applications, pay and travel entitlements, Air Force organization, reporting requirements, analysis techniques, financial management policies, procedures and regulations, management principles and controls, budgeting principles, visual, oral, and written presentation techniques, and Air Force missions.

3.2. Education. For entry into this specialty, completion of high school with courses in mathematics, accounting, business law, ethics, and computer applications are desirable.

3.3. Training. The following training is mandatory as indicated:

3.3.1. For award of AFSC 6F031, completion of the basic financial management and comptroller apprentice course.

3.3.2. For award of AFSC 6F071, completion of the financial management and comptroller craftsman course.

3.4. Experience. The following experience is mandatory for award of the AFSC indicated:

3.4.1. 6F051. Qualification in and possession of AFSC 6F031. Experience in financial management such as customer service, document and voucher processing, computation, systems, funds control, reporting, reconciliation and follow-up.

3.4.2. 6F071. Qualification in and possession of AFSC 6F051. Experience in performing or supervising activities of financial management such as customer service, financial analysis document and voucher processing, computation, systems, funds control, reporting, reconciliation and follow-up.

3.4.3. 6F091. Qualification in and possession of AFSC 6F071. Experience managing or directing financial management activities.

3.5. Other. The following are mandatory as indicated:

3.5.2. For entry, award, and retention of this AFSC: No record of conviction by a civilian court for offenses involving larceny, robbery, wrongful appropriation, or burglary, or fraud. Never received nonjudicial punishment under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) for offenses involving acts of larceny, wrongful appropriation, robbery, or burglary or fraud as delineated in UCMJ Articles 121, 122, 129, and 132 or never been convicted by military courts-martial for these same offenses.

3.5.3 For award and retention of AFSCs 6F051/71/91/00 must maintain an Air Force Network License according to AFI 33 115, Vol 2, Licensing Network Users and Certifying Network.