183d Medical Group Trains In Hawaii

  • Published
  • By Airman 1st Class Katherine Jacobus
  • 183d Wing

SPRINGFIELD, IL - Members of the 183d Medical Group (MDG) attended mission essential readiness training in Hawaii Sept. 10-23, 2022. The training was all-inclusive for nurses, medical technicians, dentists and bio-environmental specialists.

183d Medical Group First Sgt. Master Sgt. Benjamin Klekamp said, “183d Medical Group completed training to better themselves and strengthen their patient care abilities, medical administrative skills and overall medical readiness. I am so proud of all the hard work they all put in on this trip both in preparation and while TDY [temporary duty travel].”

183d MDG’s completion of the training at Tripler Army Medical Center, Hickam Air Force Base and Schofield Barracks in Hawaii allows them to meet 183d and Air Force requirements for readiness at home and on deployment.