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  • Governor Quinn Honors 290th Birthday of the Illinois National Guard

          Governor Pat Quinn today honored the 290th birthday of the Illinois National Guard, saluting its members who embody the democratic ideal of the citizen soldier. The governor also thanked the families and employers who sacrifice so they can serve.     "For 290 years, sons and daughters from

  • Winter sports weekend

    Winter sports weekend. When I first heard this phrase, I was not quite sure I understood what it meant. But I quickly learned that when one lives in the northern tier States - Minnesota in particular - where the winter months seem to "drag on" forever - finding some fun "outdoor" activities, like a

  • What do those AOG people do anyway?

    Have you ever wondered what those Air Operations Group (AOG) people do in P-23? Have you ever wondered what those Air Component Operations Squadron (ACOS) people do in the biggest doublewide in Central Illinois, building T-1000? If you answer 'yes' to either of those questions, that makes two of

  • Core Values

    Integrity first, service before self, excellence in all we do. Those are the Air Force core values. They are instilled in us from day one of our service and training. Have you ever stopped to really examine those words? Before examining the Air Force core values though, we must first define what

  • Service before self

    During our recent state level Outstanding Airman of the Year board, we asked each candidate which core value they felt their organization was struggling with. Overwhelmingly, the answer was Service Before Self. The problem was identified in each wing and I believe if we were to conduct these